I hope you’ve had a lovely summer in the garden, and have enjoyed the fruits of your labour, be they ornamental or edible, and can begin to think about winding down as the weather changes.

But if you haven’t had quite enough, and are looking ahead to Spring 2024, GardenLore’s website now has a selection of over 100 varieties of bulbs, most of them deer and rabbit resistant, and many drought tolerant varieties as well.
You’ll find them at: https://gardenlore.ca/bulbs
I think this makes me a bit of a sick puppy, but when I get the last of my bulbs tucked into the ground and think about the bright treasures that will almost magically arise after the long dark winter, I honestly feel like it’s better than money in the bank! Oh dear.
Normally we don’t recommend planting bulbs until the ground cools a bit, usually around Thanksgiving. But if this fall is as warm as the past few, I would wait until October, or even into November. The risk of planting too early is that they may sprout in the warm soil, and their tender tips will no doubt be ravaged by the cold and wet of winter. Much better to have them snug below ground.
Warm regards and happy gardening,