Below is our palette of narcissus flowers which we’re selling for the autumn of this year. These will all be available as bulbs, ready to be planted ASAP. Later (in the spring), they will be only available in pots to guarantee that you get blooms that year.
Narcissus (along with alliums and fritillaria) are in the special group of spring flowering bulbs which are truly deer proof – they all produce compounds that are toxic to deer. Narcissi in particular produce isoquinoline alkaloids as a method to protect from getting munched – this is why daffodil pickers must wear gloves to avoid the major skin irritation that arises from contact with the sap.
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Paperwhites, or indoor forcing narcissus, provide a welcome touch of spring during the dark days of winter. With a very strong fragrance and as many as 8 blooms per stem, these lovelies are easy to force at home and the blooms appear in 4-6 weeks. They make wonderful gifts and come with forcing instructions. 12-20”
5 / $8.00

One of the earliest paperwhites to bloom, Narcissus papyraceus ‘Ziva’ (Tazetta Daffodil) is a sweetly scented daffodil with large clusters of pure white blooms. Each bulb can produce 3-4 stems with typically 4-8 blooms per stem, all exuding a lovely spicy scent. Winter hardy in zones 8-11, where it will happily bloom for years, ‘Ziva’ is widely known as the all-time favorite for indoor forcing, and is the easiest of these to grow. The longer the bulbs are stored, the faster they will turn into blossoms. They might take a month to bloom when planted in November, but only 2 weeks if planted in January! 16-18”
5 / $8.00

A harmony of delicate spring colors have won this wonderfully fragrant daffodil many admirers and awards. Glistening white petals surround gentle ruffles that open pale primrose yellow with a green eye but mature to white. This heirloom classic will make an understated presence in your garden. 14-16”
5 / $6.00

This very special heirloom was first introduced in 1601. Its ivory white blooms have a mass of central extra petals highlighted with a touch of yellow. Blooming early in the season, the intensely fragrant flowers are held on 16″stems.
5 / $8.50

An award-winning Tazetta variety with an alluringly intense fragrance. Each stem offers up to eight, perfectly formed bright gold blooms with tangerine-coloured trumpets. One stem is a little flower bouquet in itself! Perfect for rock gardens, or anywhere you’ll enjoy the fragrance as you pass by. Early-mid spring. 12-14″
10 / $7.50

Often referred to as ‘Hoop Petticoat’ daffodils because of their dainty shape, this charming dwarf narcissus boasts upward-facing, bell-shaped, rich golden-yellow coronas adorned with short, star-like petals and a sweet fragrance. Each bulb sends up 5-15 vibrant blooms in early-mid spring. Perfect for naturalizing and weather resistant, this vigorous grower naturalizes well and comes back year after year. Delightful in spring containers, and also suitable for naturalising in grass and dotting around the front of the border, the blooms also make interesting cut flowers. 6-8”
5 / $3.50

These sweet and unusual fragrant blooms look like glistening white bells, surrounded by slender petals in a star formation. Planted together in a little group, the effect is charming. Also known as the ‘Hoop Petticoat’ daffodils because of its dainty shape, this fragrant award winner whirls and twirls through gardens and borders for weeks and weeks. And although they look delicate, this is only an illusion that belies its hardy, tough-as-nails nature. It naturalizes readily, reproducing an abundance of lovely, creamy long-lasting blooms in early-mid spring. 6-8”
5 / $3.50

Rich with a delightful vanilla fragrance, this remarkable daffodil boasts huge, brilliant golden-yellow blooms, 5 in. across! Known to be long-lasting, it has won numerous awards, including the RHS AGM. This spring, it bloomed like a star for almost a month! 16″
5 / $4.50

This heirloom produces elegant flowers adorned with pristine white petals and a gently ruffled, golden-yellow cup edged in orange. Blooming in mid to late spring, it’s a strong naturalizer, coming back year after year, and looks wonderful in the garden or in containers, and is also good for indoor forcing. Excellent as cut flowers too! 20”
5 / $5.50

Resembling the windswept sails of a boat, this delightfully fragrant, multiple award-winner blooms mid-spring, bearing up to 6 fragrant blooms per stem, each 2½” across. An exquisite sight with its swept-back ivory petals encircling pale yellow cups that mature to white. 10”
5 / $5.50

White petals with a soft yellow corona tinged with deep orange. Heirloom type. Deer proof. Fragrant. Rabbit proof. Good cut flower. Drought resistant. 18″ tall.
5 / $5.50

Sublimely fragrant double flowers. Deer proof. Fragrant. Rabbit proof. Good cut flower. Drought resistant. RHS AGM Winner. 14″ tall.
5 / $4.50

The regal 4” flowers on this ravishing variety conjure images of waterlilies on long stems. Light melon and ivory tinted centers are tightly packed like layers of overlapping petticoats. White anthers emerge from the center while the blossoms are surrounded by rounded white petals. Tall, sturdy stems support these blooms well in the vase or garden. A must grow! Mid- late season 16-18” tall.
5 / $6.50

The award-winning ‘Hillstar’ Daffodil has sweetly fragrant, gently nodding flowers, with 2-3 blooms per stem. Great for cut bouquets and pollinator favorite. 16”
5 / $4.50

The award-winning, snowy white blooms boast ribbed, tubular cups that opens yellow and mature to apricot pink. Like most Rock Garden narcissus, it’s delightfully fragrant and highly productive, bearing an abundance of breathtaking blooms in mid season. Robust stems make this versatile dwarf variety a must-have. Naturalizes well. 10-12″
5 / $6.00

Narrow, white outer petals flare back like a bird in flight- as the name suggests – behind a nodding, long cup that opens soft yellow and pales to creamy white as the bloom matures. This award-winning, elegant Cyclamineus narcissus is a diminutive treasure with an interesting back story. First introduced in Wales in 1948 and subsequently travelling the globe by being traded among daffodil fanciers, but, until recently, no one had ever grown it on a large scale to bring to the mainstream market. Now we can all enjoy this sweetheart that’s ideal for naturalising in the rockery or garden border and makes a most cheerful sight in a container. Very early spring. 6”
5 / $5.50

This demure multiflowering award-winner opens soft yellow and matures to creamy white with a faint yellow halo at the base of its yellow-orange corona. Hybridized over 50 years ago, it usually bears 3 intermediate sized flowers per stem and secondary stems have 1-2 florets. Early-mid spring. 12”
5 / $5.50

Ivory star-shaped flowers are borne in sprays of 2 to 3 blooms along each stem and carry the sweetest scent. Young flowers have a greenish-yellow throat that fades to ivory as they age. A stunning addition to the garden and excellent for flower arranging. Won Best Flower at the 2017 Philadelphia Flower Show. Multiflowering. Deer proof. Fragrant. Rabbit proof. Good cut flower. Drought resistant. 12″ – 16″ tall.
5 / $5.50

Robust and delightfully fragrant, this award-winning, charming Tazetta Daffodil has clusters of 2-5 blossoms per stem, adorned with pale yellow petals and buttercup yellow cups. Petals fade to white as blooms mature. They naturalize readily in wet-winter, dry-summer climates, making them a perfect choice for the West Coast. Blooming mid-spring, they look lovely in rockeries, beds or containers and make excellent cut flowers. 6-8”
Special Pricing: 10 / $6.50

Gorgeous white blossoms. Very fragrant. Rockgarden type. Deer proof. Rabbit proof. Good cut flower. Drought resistant. 14″ tall
Special Pricing: 15 / $12.50

Delightfully fragrant, multiple award-winner Narcissus ‘Geranium’ bears clusters of 3-6 flowers per stem, adorned with creamy-white petals and deep orange-red cups. Many bulbs will produce multiple stems, forming lovely bouquets. Because of its strong stem and sweet scent, this Tazetta daffodil makes excellent cut flowers. 14”
5 / $5.50

The standard for white daffodils, this multiple award-winner boasts large fragrant flowers, 4” across that emerge creamy-white with pale yellow trumpets, which fade to a lovely pale cream before turning as white as snow. Blooming mid spring, thie Trumpet Daffodil enjoys a very long blooming season, and is an excellent naturalizer. This classic heirloom variety has been extremely popular since its introduction pre-1938. 14″ tall.
5 / $6.00

Popular since its introduction in 1945, this award winner is an exquisite daffodil with large 4” blooms which feature a showy orange-scarlet cup, slightly frilly at the rim, and glistening white, overlapping petals. Blooms mid-spring, is excellent in fresh flower bouquets, and is a good naturalizer. 16″
5 / $6.00

This dainty, yet substantive, ethereal beauty has blooms with reflexed petals in dreamy shades of pale yellow that mature to ivory. The white flames spreading around the base of its warm, salmon-pink cup make it look like it’s about to take flight. Early spring. 8-12″
5 / $6.00